Metics brings simplicity in scenario planning.

Less complexity

Metics reduces complexity by providing intuitive and efficient financial modelling and scenario planning tools.

Top-Down Insights

Top-down insights help users optimize their financial strategies and achieve their goals more effectively.

Less mistakes

Metics reduces errors through No-code Modelling and Two-way® technology.

Smart Data Graphs

Easily manipulate financial data using intuitive graphs. This streamlines the entire data adjustment process, saving valuable time. Graph-based data adjustments reduce the risk of manual errors, ensuring data accuracy and reliable financial insights.

Two-Way Calculations

Make top-down adjustments to see immediate downstream effects on metrics like revenue. Real-time impact analysis empowers you to make informed decisions by understanding how changes in one area of your business affect other aspects, enabling more strategic planning.

Bottleneck Insights

Identify critical bottlenecks using constraints and targets, enabling proactive risk management. This approach enables you to develop strategies to mitigate potential issues before they become major challenges.

No-code Modelling

Metics simplifies financial planning and modelling processes by eliminating the need for you to write complex code or formulas. This empowers you to focus on your financial strategies and goals without getting bogged down by technical complexities.